Durham Wildlife Trust manages a series of public participation surveys to gather data that will be used to inform future conservation activities in our area. Many of the surveys are jointly organised by the Trust and the Durham Biodiversity Partnership.
Butterfly Survey
Durham Wildlife Trust is attempting to gather information on sightings of three species of butterfly. The species concerned have either a variable distribution in the County or appear to be recolonising the County after an absence of many years, making any records of great interest. Click HERE for more information, including an online survey form.
Help our Hedgehogs
Researchers have discovered that hedgehog numbers are declining by approximately a fifth every 5 years, and if that rate of loss continues the hedgehog is threatened with extinction by 2025. Click HERE for more information and our online survey form.
Riverside Wildlife Kingfisher
Both the Kingfisher and the grass snake are associated with rivers in the Durham area. Kingfishers are good indicators of environmental quality, and we would like to keep an eye on their distribution. Grass snakes are very elusive and we still know very little about their distribution in the north-east.Click HERE for more information and our online survey form.
Pyramidal Orchid
Orchids and their habitats have been significantly affected by changes in farming practice, development and collectors. The Trust’s MAGical Meadows project is asking for your help in recording three of the county’s orchids to help conserve these beautiful plants for future generations. Click HERE for more information and our online survey form.
Water Voles
Once common on all of Durham’s rivers the water vole has suffered a catastrophic decline in numbers and distribution in County Durham, as it has throughout most of the UK. Water voles are a priority species for conservation at Durham Wildlife Trust who are eager to receive any reports or sightings of water voles. If you have seen voles or are a landowner keen to help voles on your land then please fill in the recording form. Click HERE for more information and our online survey form.
Occasional Records
Seen something interesting recently that you’d like to tell us about, but it’s not featured in one of the survey forms above? Durham Wildlife Trust is interested in a variety of other species. Please click HERE for more information and an online survey form.