Volunteer Reserve Officer (VRO)scheme
Work Experience placements
Research projects
NVQ Level 2 Environmental Conservation experience
Volunteer Reserve Officer (VRO) scheme
The VRO scheme was set up over five years ago and is essentially a 6 month environmental traineeship based within the Reserves Team at DWT. The role of this post is to assist the Reserves Team in the active delivery of all the reserve management tasks and in return, equip them with all the practical reserve management, leadership. organisation and reserves administration skills required to increase their employability in this sector.
The posts are advertised when they become available and all successful candidates are invited to an interview.
Work Experience Placements
Unpaid work experience placements are available subject to student suitability. Anyone interested should contact Kerry Watson on 0191 584 3112.
Research projects
With 25 nature reserves to manage, we are always keen to encourage students to undertake research work on our reserves. We can provide reserves information, advice and guidance where necessary.
NVQ Level 2 Environmental Conservation experience
Despite not being a registered NVQ centre, DWT is able to provide all the practical exprerience neeeded to achieve the above award. Guidance and assessment can be offered to all pre-registered candidates.